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STEINS;GATE: Hiyoku Renri no Darling "Trophy Guide & Road map" [PS3 / PS VITA] (Part 1)


Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Estimated time for 1000: 5 hours.
Minimum playthroughs: 6+
Missable achievements: None
Glitched achievements: None
Offline: 50 (1000)
Online: 0 (0)
Cheats disable achievements: No cheats


Steins;Gate: Hiyoku Renri no Darling is sequel to the Japanese graphic novel adventure Steins;Gate and plays exactly the same way. You will be receiving and answering phone messages from various characters to advance the plot line. The walkthrough below is intended to walk you through from 0G to 1000G as quickly as possible.


This game includes an achievement that is very harsh on non-Japanese speakers. It requires that you receive and read every single message included in the game. Many messages only appear depending on which message you checked and/or what you replied with. I go through every message again in "reading all messages" section of the walkthrough for completeness sake, but it is important that you do get all messages in the story playthroughs as well. If you are not seeing a message that is written in the guide, you most likely missed something. Since it is impossible to pinpoint which message you missed without some knowledge of Japanese, if you do not have this achievement at the end of it all, your only choice will be to start over from the very top and hope that you do get the achievement during one of the earlier playthroughs. So, I suggest that you follow as closely as possible. Reload or start over your playthrough if you feel you missed a message.


How to use this walkthrough:

Since this game is played by answering phone messages, the walkthrough details the messages you need to answer and what the right reply is to get to the desired ending. It does not list all messages, but rather ONLY the ones that you need to check or reply to in order to get the achievement that we are aiming for in a particular playthrough. For the most part it does not matter if you check other messages, but it is strongly recommended that you ignore messages that are not listed. Not ignoring messages may have severe consequences and may require you to play starting from playthrough 1 if the final achievements do not pop during "reading messages" section of the walkthrough.

You can press RB button to start skipping text very fast. The game will automatically stop skipping when it requires your attention so do not worry about accidentally missing something while skipping. When there are specific instances that you do need to be careful, it is mentioned in the walkthrough.

Notations used in this walkthrough:

[SaveSLOT #]: Make a save inSLOT numbered #. Note that timing of save for slot 1 is right before replying to message, while the timing of saves forSLOTS 2 through 16 is as soon as possible after each chapter begins. Saves made in slots 2 through 16 will be used to mop up the reading of all messages at the end of this walkthrough. Be prepared to play the entire game again several times if you fail to make these saves at the right time.

[LoadSLOT #]: Load the save from slot numbered #.

A:「B」 -> C: Check message from A with subject of B and reply with C. (If there is no C, it means you just need to read the message)

A:「B」 -> Check attachment: Check the attachement of the message from A with subject of B. Always press A button to check messages and close them.

{Achievement Unlocked: name}: Achievement called "name" should unlock here.

Main Menu > A > B: From the title screen, navigate menu items in the order of A, B, and so forth.

Playthrough 0: The setup

Load up the game and press start to get to the title screen.
{Achievement Unlocked: 新たなる運命石の扉の選択}

Main Menu > System > Config

Change the configuration to match the following pic.

Press X button to go to page 2 of the system configuration. Change the configuration to match the following pic.

Press B button to back out to main menu.

Main Menu > System > System Save

Select Yes to save the system data. (Refer to following pic. Yes is the left option)

Playthrough 1: Kiryu

Main Menu > Start

Press Y button to check TIPS.
{Achievement Unlocked: 格物致知のミーミル}

Press RB button to start skipping dialogues. [This is assumed from this point and will not be mentioned]

Press X, A, A to take out your phone and read the message titled 返事してほしいな from 閃光の指圧師.
[NOTE: From now on this reading action will be shortened as 閃光の指圧師:「返事してほしいな」]
{Achievement Unlocked: 他我のメモリーズ リターン}

Press B, B, Down, A to check sent mails.
{Achievement Unlocked: 自我のメモリーズ リターン}

Close the phone by pressing B several times. [This action is no longer written out in the guide from this point on. After checking/replying, close the phone and start skipping.]

Press X, A, A, Down, A to answer 閃光の指圧師 ‘s mail titled ちょっと質問ー with テレビ番組.
[NOTE: From now on this answering action will be shortened as 閃光の指圧師:「ちょっと質問ー」 -> テレビ番組]
{Achievement Unlocked: 共鳴のリアクション リターン}

まゆり:「欠席届け」 -> 夏休みの宿題
Ignore mail from 閃光の指圧師 titled 「そっかぁ」
[NOTE: From now on this ignoring action will not be written. If you don’t see the message you are supposed to see. Just ignore and keep skipping]
まゆり:「大忙しだよー」 -> 補習授業
まゆり:「ちがうよ」 -> テスト時間がおわっちゃうの
まゆり:「いま」 -> ありがとう
まゆり:「えへへ」 -> オカリンは優しいねー
まゆり:「でもね」 -> Press A to check attachment. Press A again to close. [NOTE: From now on this action will be shortened as just check attachment.]
バイト戦士:「やっほー!」 -> 宴会
バイト戦士:「 うーん 」 -> 会議
フェイリス:「 ビックリしたニャ!」 -> ジョニーウルフ
バイト戦士:「 まあまあ」 -> 高くて
フェイリス:「本物だった」 -> 正真正銘ジョニー・ウルフ
{Achievement Unlocked: 得意満面のキャットメード}

ルカ子:「お願いがあるんだけど」 -> 好きなもの
ルカ子:「ごめんなさい!!!」 -> Check attachment.

Skip until the electric sparks start up.
Press X, A, A to send mail. (The mail text should read something like "新ガジェットの開発中止")
{Achievement Unlocked: 起源鳴動のエントロピー}

[SaveSLOT 2] [To save, press Start button and select Save option from the pause menu]
助手:「続き」 -> マンガ
助手:「私にも」 -> どっちだ
助手:「そう」 -> Check attachment
Skip until 8/20
{Achievement Unlocked: 失楽のメランコリア}

[SaveSLOT 3]
Skip until the end.
{Achievement Unlocked: 黎明曙光のレシオ}
{Achievement Unlocked: 忘却のメッセージ リターン}
[NOTE: Do NOT forget to save system data. Say yes when it asks you to overwrite. I will not write this any more but always remember to save]

Playthrough 2: Mayuri

Main Menu > Start
フェイリス:「 PHANTASMの香水」 -> どんな香り
まゆり:「 欠席届け」 -> 夏休みの宿題
まゆり:「大忙しだよー」 -> 補習授業
まゆり:「ちがうよ」 -> テスト時間がおわっちゃうの
フェイリス:「香水よりも」 -> 女の子のシャンプーの匂いとかの方が
フェイリス:「そうじゃなくって」 -> 超科学的見解
フェイリス:「やっぱり」 -> Check attachment
まゆり:「いま」 -> ありがとう
まゆり:「えへへ」 -> オカリンは優しいねー
まゆり:「でもね」 -> Check attachment
バイト戦士:「やっほー!」 -> 宴会
まゆり:「トゥットゥルー♪」 -> 今日の補習授業
バイト戦士:「うーん」 -> 会議
まゆり:「数学と物理だよ」 -> どっちも苦手
バイト戦士:「まあまあ」 -> 自転車
{Achievement Unlocked: 得手容易のホステージ}

バイト戦士:「うん!」 -> 身体動かしてる
バイト戦士:「なになに?」 -> 仕事
{Achievement Unlocked: 不知案内のトラベラー}

When the electric sparks start. Do not open the phone, but just keep skipping by pressing A until the electric sparks die down.

Soon, the electric sparks will start up again. Once again, do not open the phone, but just keep skipping by pressing A until the electric sparks die down.

Repeat this one more time.

When the electric sparks start up again, press X, A, A to send the mail. (The mail text should read something like "Dメールの実験をもっとよく考えろ")
[SaveSLOT 4]

Skip until you get to 8/17.
{Achievement Unlocked: 華氏93度のキアロスクーロ}
[SaveSLOT 5]

まゆり:「今日、まゆしぃは 」 -> 遅くなっちゃう
{Achievement Unlocked: 星屑のデュプレット}

Playthrough 3: Feiris

Main Menu > Start

Skip until it auto stops at 8/6
Press A button until you are able to press X button to open up the phone.

ルカ子:「こんにちは」 -> 大人数で騒いだ
ルカ子:「友達と遊ぶことについてです」 -> 素振り
ルカ子:「素振りの件です」 -> 頑張ります
ルカ子:「そんな!」 -> 大丈夫
{Achievement Unlocked: 誤解遭遇のメイデン}

ダル:「マジ勘弁」 -> 置いてるとこ
ダル:「いやいや」 -> 電凸
{Achievement Unlocked: 聖戦勃発のコレクター}

助手:「いま」 -> ピザチップス
{Achievement Unlocked: 永久不変のジーニアス}

Keep pressing A until the electric sparks start and then die down.
Skip until electric sparks start up again.
[SaveSLOT 1]

Press X, A, A to send mail. (The mail text should read something like "12号機の開発中止")

[SaveSLOT 6]
Skip until 8/18.
{Achievement Unlocked: 猫耳乙女のドメイン}

[SaveSLOT 7]
Skip until the end.
{Achievement Unlocked: 楼閣都市のネフシュタン}

Playthrough 4: Rukako

[LoadSLOT 1]

Press A until the electric sparks die down.
Skip until the electric sparks start up again.
[SaveSLOT 1] [Overwrite]
Press X, A, A to send mail. (The mail text should read something like "12号機をはめるな")

[SaveSLOT 8]
ダル:「やっべー!」 -> 忘れてた
ダル:「ついイラッとなって」 -> Check attachment.
Skip until 8/9
{Achievement Unlocked: 倒錯のアニマ}

[SaveSLOT 9]
閃光の指圧師:「お願い」 -> アンケート
閃光の指圧師:「アンケート」 -> 何色が好き?
閃光の指圧師:「記事の内容」 -> 記事
{Achievement Unlocked: 曖昧模糊のアンケーター}

バイト戦士:「いまテレビで」 -> 試合
バイト戦士:「試合」 -> 選手
バイト戦士:「へぇ」 -> Check attachment.
Skip until 8/13
{Achievement Unlocked: 封神のピグマリオン}

[SaveSLOT 10]
Skip until the end
{Achievement Unlocked: 愛と幻創のシナジー}

Playthrough 5: Suzuha

[LoadSLOT 1]
Press A until the electric sparks die down.
Skip until the electric sparks start up again.
[Save Slot 1] [Overwrite]

Press X, A, A to send mail. (The mail text should read something like "Dメールの実験をもっとよく考えろ")

[Save Slot 11]
Skip until 8/10
{Achievement Unlocked: 迷走螺旋のアルケー}

[Save Slot 12]
Skip until 8/12
{Achievement Unlocked: 破滅と終焉のフーガ}

[Save Slot 13]
Skip until the end.
{Achievement Unlocked: 根源のアガペー}

Playthrough 6: Kurisu

[LoadSLOT 1]
Press A until the electric sparks die down.

[SaveSLOT 14]
Skip until 8/8
{Achievement Unlocked: 哀哭悲嘆のアポリア}

[SaveSLOT 15]
Skip until 8/10
{Achievement Unlocked: 相克のバ・ド・ドゥ}

[SaveSLOT 16]
Skip until the end
{Achievement Unlocked: 永劫回帰のレゾナンス}
{Achievement Unlocked: 比翼恋理のだーりん}

Mop-Up 1: Reading all messages achievement

We are going to start the game up and go through every message from each character. This will require a lot of saving and loading. In order to keep the frustration level low, we will do each character one by one rather than attempt to get all the messages at once. You should have the saves ready to go from the other playthroughs. I have included the name of the chapter just in case you didn’t use the saveSLOT that I designated.

Reading every single message from each character is one achievement each. There is also an achievement for reading all messages found in the game. You will most likely unlock achievements earlier than indicated, but I include them for completeness. You can skip down to the next character when the achievement pops.

Since replies affect the next message received, we will be using saveSLOT 1 to go back to messages that have more than one replies. Note that I use a slightly different notation here because we are only dealing with one character at a time. I have omitted the name of the character.

Originally Posted by TSG Dwaggie View PostFinally, it might be a good idea to tell people to activate 'QUICK SAVE' before loading a point. This doesn't erase or change any save files, but saves the system file, so that all messages read are saved at this point, so you can't miss anything.

Reading all messages (Mayuri)

Character name in Japanese: まゆり

Main Menu > Start

[Save Slot 1]
欠席届け -> 夏休みの宿題
大忙しだよー -> メイクイーンのバイト

[Load Slot 1]
欠席届け -> 夏休みの宿題
大忙しだよー -> コミマの衣装作り
楽しいよ -> オカリンも一緒に行こうよ

[Load Slot 1]
欠席届け -> 夏休みの宿題
大忙しだよー -> 補習授業
ちがうよ -> テスト時間がおわっちゃうの

[Load Slot 1]
欠席届け -> ぴんち

[Load Slot 1]

Skip until you get next message from Mayuri.

[Save Slot 1]
いま -> 電車
大丈夫 -> 電車

[Load Slot 1]
いま -> ありがとう
えへへ -> オカリンは優しいねー

[Save Slot 1]
トゥットゥルー♪ -> 今日の補習授業
数学と物理だよ -> どっちも苦手
得意なのは -> 家庭科

[Load Slot 1]
トゥットゥルー♪ -> 今日の補習授業
数学と物理だよ -> クリスちゃんがうらやましい

[Load Slot 1]
トゥットゥルー♪ -> ラボにいるの?
ええ~? -> みんなを幸せにする

Main Menu > Start

Skip until 8/6
大変だよ! -> 無くなってる
気づかなかったー(>_<) -> どうしよう

[Load Slot 5: 星屑のデュプレット]
今日、まゆしぃは -> 遅くなっちゃう

[Load Slot 5: 星屑のデュプレット]
今日、まゆしぃは -> ラボ行けない

Skip and then stop manually. If you can’t open up the phone by pressing X, skip some more.
Press X, A, A, A and then skip down to まゆり. Press A to read mail titled ありがとう.

[Load Slot 2: 失楽のメランコリア]
伝言~ -> 次はいつ帰ってくるのか連絡しろ
こらー -> 可愛くてしかたない

[Load Slot 8: 倒錯のアニマ]
{Achievement Unlocked: オペレーション・M}

Reading all messages (Daru)

Character name in Japanese: ダル

[LoadSLOT 1: 起源鳴動のエントロピー]
Skip until you get a message from Daru.

[SaveSLOT 1]
マジ勘弁 -> 対象商品

[LoadSLOT 1]
マジ勘弁 -> 置いてるとこ
いやいや -> 電凸
わかってるってばよ -> 遠征

[LoadSLOT 16: 永劫回帰のレゾナンス]
Skip until you see a cutscene where a phone with map is shown.

[LoadSLOT 8: 倒錯のアニマ]
Skip until you get a message from Daru.

[SaveSLOT 1]
やっべー! -> 取りに行く
(´д`)ハァ・・・ -> 素人

[Load Slot 1]
やっべー! -> 忘れてた

[Load Slot 6: 猫耳乙女のドメイン]
Skip until you get a message from Daru.

[Save Slot 1]
いま -> 唯月タン
mjd? -> 格ゲー
そうそれ! -> 選べないだろ

[Load Slot 1]
いま -> 痛車
件名なし -> 痛車が欲しい
{Achievement Unlocked: オペレーション・D}

Reading all messages (Kurisu)

Character name in Japanese: 助手

Main Menu > Start

[SaveSLOT 1]
いくらなんでも -> 暑すぎる
それ本気? -> 冗談

[LoadSLOT 1]
いくらなんでも -> 暑すぎる
それ本気? -> 間違って
ちょっと! -> 下品

[LoadSLOT 1]
いくらなんでも -> 開発室
おい! -> 普通

[LoadSLOT 1]
いくらなんでも -> 開発室
おい! -> 責任
え? -> 告白

[LoadSLOT 1]
いくらなんでも -> エアコン
エコ(笑) -> サイエンティスト
ふーん -> エコ
いま -> ピザチップス
おあいにくさま -> 体質

[LoadSLOT 2: 失楽のメランコリア]
続き -> マンガ
私にも -> どっちだ

[Load Slot 8: 倒錯のアニマ]

[Load Slot 13: 根源のアガペー]
{Achievement Unlocked: オペレーション・C}

Reading all messages (Shining Finger)

Character name in Japanese: 閃光の指圧師

Note: Most of these will be auto skipped so we will need to open up message inbox and make sure they are read. Before loading any save make sure every message from Shining Finger is marked as read. Here I will only list messages that need to be replied and the final message that you receive in each chapter.

Main Menu > Start
ちょっと質問ー -> テレビ番組

[Save Slot 1]
そっかぁ -> ヒマな時
ごめんごめん<(_ _)>

[Load Slot 1]
そっかぁ -> 何をしてるの?
すごいね!(FINAL) (view the attachment)

The above two lines used to be the following: (Fixed thanks to TSG Dwaggie)
そっかぁ -> すごいね!
それじゃあ (FINAL)

[Load Slot 4: 華氏93度のキアロスクーロ]
機種変 -> ケータイの機種変
そうなんだよね(><) -> 消えちゃう
カッコ悪いの (FINAL)

[Load Slot 5: 星屑のデュプレット]
ディレクターが (FINAL)

[Load Slot 15: 相克のバ・ド・ドゥ]
No subject (One message) (FINAL)

[Load Slot 16: 永劫回帰のレゾナンス]
No subject (Two messages) (FINAL)

[Load Slot 2: 失楽のメランコリア]
ううん、なんでもない (FINAL)

[Load Slot 3: 黎明曙光のレシオ]
No subject (Seven messages) (Final two messages come at 8/29 10:30)

[Load Slot 8: 倒錯のアニマ]
どうして (FINAL)

[Load Slot 9: 封神のピグマリオン]
お願い -> アンケート

[Save Slot 1]
アンケート -> 何色が好き?
記事の内容 -> 記事

[Load Slot 1]
アンケート -> やっぱり白
えっと・・・・・・ (FINAL)

[Load Slot 10: 愛と幻創のシナジー]
ねえ (FINAL)

[Load Slot 7: 楼閣都市のネフシュタン]
No subject (Only one message) (FINAL)
{Achievement Unlocked: オペレーション・K}

Reading all messages (Rukako)

Character name in Japanese: ルカ子

Main Menu > Start

Skip until 8/6
Press A until the phone closes. Press X to access the message from Rukako.

[SaveSLOT 1]
こんにちは -> 宴会

[LoadSLOT 1]
こんにちは -> 大人数で騒いだ
友達と遊ぶことについてです -> 少人数で遊ぶ
遊びについてです -> 宴会

[LoadSLOT 1]
こんにちは -> 大人数で騒いだ
友達と遊ぶことについてです -> 素振り
素振りの件です -> 頑張ります
そんな! -> 大丈夫
Re:Re:そんな! -> あれ

[LoadSLOT 1]
こんにちは -> 唐揚げ
唐揚げについてです -> 作り方
え? -> 食べたい
お願いがあるんだけど -> 好きなもの

[LoadSLOT 5: 星屑のデュプレット]
はい (FINAL)

[LoadSLOT 9: 封神のピグマリオン]

[Load Slot 6: 猫耳乙女のドメイン]
今日も暑いですね -> 力石
力石についてです -> 不思議

[Load Slot 11: 迷走螺旋のアルケー]

[Save Slot 1]
大変です -> 声をかけられて
声をかけられることについてです -> 原因

[Load Slot 1]
大変です -> オーディション
オーディションについてです -> 勧誘
どうするか、についてです -> 断りました!
{Achievement Unlocked: オペレーション・L}

Reading all messages (Feiris)

Character name in Japanese: フェイリス

Main Menu > Start

[SaveSLOT 1]
PHANTASMの香水 -> 香水

[LoadSLOT 1]
PHANTASMの香水 -> どんな香り
香水よりも -> 女の子のシャンプーの匂いとかの方が
そうじゃなくって -> 超科学的見解
ビックリしたニャ! -> ジョニーウルフ

[SaveSLOT 1]
本物だった -> 目の前で見たけど
ニュふふ! -> 握手

[LoadSLOT 1]
本物だった -> 正真正銘ジョニー・ウルフ

[LoadSLOT 5: 星屑のデュプレット]
フェイリス杯 -> フェイリス杯
教えてあげる -> 優しく手ほどき

[Load Slot 9: 封神のピグマリオン]

[Save Slot 1]
覚醒 -> 故郷のチンチラ星
混乱 -> いくつもの記憶

[Load Slot 1]
覚醒 -> 放逐された
それでも -> 思い出さなくてはいけない

[Load Slot: 11: 迷走螺旋のアルケー]

[Save Slot 1]
パフェ -> ドリアン

[Load Slot 1]
パフェ -> アボカド
やってみないと -> もしかしたら
え~? -> 食べて欲しい
{Achievement Unlocked: オペレーション・F}

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