+ Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
+ Offline: 28 (1 7 5 15 )
+ Online: N/A
+ Approximate time: 3 - 5 Hours
+ Does Difficulty affect Trophies: N/A
+ Does Difficulty levels stack: N/A
+ Missable trophies: None if you follow the guide
+ Extra Items for the GAME: None
+ Glitched trophies: None
+ Cheats: None
- Autoskips
Tap Screen - Select Choice
- Brings up Menu
- Cancel Option
- select option
To save press and it will bring up the menu in GAME. The option it is highlighted under is the option you want to select. Once you get here click on the first 20 red boxs and a screen will ask you to save. The option it is highlighted is no and the other option is yes. You will know you did it right when you see a screenshot of where you are.
Press to go back to the GAME.
はい - YES
いいえ - NO
Reading the Guide
Okay normally choices read from top to bottom but not this GAME. Options go left to right. Option 1 will be the left option and each option will go to the right.
Main Menu
1) Afterstory??***
2) CG/Route Lists
3) Options Menu
4) Load Menu
5) Start Main Story Mode
6) Sidestory
Menu in GAME
1) Exit to Main Menu
2) Options
3) Load Game
4) Save Game
*** Doesn't appear until 1st route is complete.
Achieving Faster Platinum Times
If you wish to go for a faster time you can take advantage of the scene skip option. What you would want to do is ignore my save point markers and just finish the game. Once you complete the game once, you can enable scene skip and you can run through the walkthrough from the beginning.
Scene Skip will show you scenes you have previously not seen but automatically move past stuff you have seen. So if you have seen all the events from once choice to another it will instantly take you to that next choice.
You can activate scene-skip mode by starting a new game with option 5 and then picking the 2nd choice when it comes up.
1) 旧世界の知識を持っていない
Create Save SLOT 1
2) ここで退くのは格好悪い
Create Save SLOT 2
4) 世界の真理に至る者
3) 男の話を知りたい
Create Save Slot 3
3) 不二――宗次郎・紫織
Create Save Slot 4
3) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
2) 女だな
2) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
2) いいと思うぜ
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
2) たまには恋愛ものもいいかも
Create Save Slot 5
4) 刑士郎・咲耶組
3) 西――刑士郎
- Ending
Load Save Slot 4
3) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
1) 男かな
2) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
1) いや、ないな
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
1) 男は黙って春本一択
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
2) たまには恋愛ものもいいかも
1) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
2) いいと思うぜ
1) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
2) 女だな
1) 宗次郎・紫織組
1) 北――宗次郎
- Ending
Load Save Slot 5
3) 夜行・龍水組
2) 南――夜行
- Ending
Load Save SLOT 1
1) 挑発に乗るほうが格好悪い
1) 新たな世界を生みだす者
Create Save Slot 6
2) 女の話を知りたい
4) 不二――覇吐・竜胆
3) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
2) 女だな
2) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
2) いいと思うぜ
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
1) 男は黙って春本一択
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
2) たまには恋愛ものもいいかも
2) 覇吐・竜胆組
4) 東――覇吐
- Ending
Load Save SLOT 2
3) 己が求道を貫く者
1) もう結構だ
Load Save SLOT 2
2) 逃れえぬ因果の縛りに抗う者
1) もう結構だ
Load Save Slot 3
2) 鬼無里――刑士郎・咲耶
*Exit to Main Menu when you reach the next choice
Load Save Slot 3
1) 鬼無里――夜行・龍水
*Exit to Main Menu when you reach the next choice
Load Save Slot 6
1) もう結構だ
- Ending
Select last option in Main Menu
Auto run through this. It is very short.
This part is difficult to explain but the good news is you cannot fuck this up for the most part. Story skip will be on so you will just be pressing choices. For the most part you will see a screen that looks like below
Credit to Jojo for the clean perfect looking picture
When you see this you will pressing 1 to skip scenes. Then you will reach choices and you need to make sure you pick a storypath and follow the choices. they will be few and far between, but the good news is you have 3 options and you pick something wrong you come back around to the question again.
Note - All of these choices below are at decision points when 4 choices are present. So when you see 4 choices on the screen, you know you are in the right place to look for the correct option. THE LAST CHOICE IS ONLY TWO OPTIONS.
Start a new GAME with 5th option
Select Choice 2 and Press R to activate skip scene mode.
****Continue with Story-path 1, 2, 3, or 4.****
Storypath 1
Storypath 2
Storypath 3
Storypath 4 ( I don't think this is necessary but added it just in case)
理世繚士紫 を見る
Select 1st option in Main Menu
Select left image and you will reach 4 options. You will need to run through this 4 times to select each choice
Select right image
At this point, if you have the platinum congratulations. If not, you might need to select the bad choices twice in a row. Below is a guide to help you do that and achieve 完全読破 *
1) 旧世界の知識を持っていない
1) 挑発に乗るほうが格好悪い
4) 世界の真理に至る者
2) 女の話を知りたい
3) 不二――宗次郎・紫織
3) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
1) 男かな
3) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
1) 男かな
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
1) 男は黙って春本一択
1) 夜行たちに付いていく
1) 男は黙って春本一択
2) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
1) いや、ないな
2) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
1) いや、ないな
2) 宗次郎たちに付いていく
2) いいと思うぜ
2) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
1) 男かな
2) 刑士郎たちに付いていく
1) 男かな
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